Introducing the new International committee and its membership
The Institute’s Council recently recruited members to join the newly established International Committee which replaces the existing International Council Committee. Here, Martin Stevenson explains a little more about it.
The new committee will continue to focus on International Actuarial Association (IAA) activities and place greater emphasis on Asia-related and other important international activities, including supporting members in Asia, New Zealand, and the UK.
Duties of the new committee include:
- Coordinate the Institute’s involvement in International Actuarial Association (‘IAA’) activities, including nominating the Institute’s Committee Members and the Council Delegate who votes on behalf of the Institute at the IAA Council meetings.
- Advise Council on the establishment and management of relationships with overseas international organisations (i.e. provide continuity of representation when Presidents change) and provide support to the presidents in representing the Institute overseas.
- Work with the Presidential Committee and CEO to recommend to Council the extent of financial support for international activities.
- Develop and implement an appropriate due diligence process for Mutual Recognition Agreements (‘MRAs’) and negotiate MRAs for approval by Council. Review MRAs at expiry.
- Provide regular communication of international activities to members.
- Liaise with other Institute Committees to assist in the promulgation of their activities internationally, and ensure that those Committees are aware of relevant international developments.
- Promote the Institute to other relevant Australian and international bodies.
- Contribute to the organisation of IAA and AAC meetings, regional forums and other international actuarial events as required by Council, both overseas and in Australia.
- Assist the Institute in the provision of member services to overseas members, particularly those in the Asian region.
- Assist the Institute in establishing and maintaining bilateral relationships with other actuarial associations.
- Seek opportunities to improve the Institute’s financial position by such means as obtaining markets for the Institute’s intellectual capital, leveraging capabilities of international associations and seeking economies of scale by partnering with other associations.
Members wishing to find out more about the work of this committee can contact Martin Stevenson, Convenor of the International Committee and Chair of the IAA subcommittee. Members in Asia can contact Andy Yang, Chair of the Asia subcommittee.
Committee’s new membership structure
The main committee is comprised of diverse members representing Australia, UK, NZ, Asia. the committee also has two main sub committees: IAA subcommittee and Asia subcommittee. international committee:
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