Strong exam results continue. Congratulations to all!
2022 was another big year for Education. We now have an established qualification education program with a new subject – Banking – in development and expected to be available from Semester 2, 2023.
Additional work is being undertaken to review our student experience and identify the likelihood of student success based on their engagement with the study materials and tutorials. Keep your eye out for reporting in the New Year.
I’m proud to announce that our 2022 Semester 2 results reflect the hard work and dedication of our students, the Education Team, and the 100+ Fellows who volunteer their time to educate the next generation of actuaries.
2022 Semester 2 Results
As a profession, we are continuing to invest in transforming our professional development education program. It is extremely pleasing to witness exemplary pass rates while meeting the standards set by Council through the Education Strategy Committee (ESC) and independently verified by Fellows who act as independent examiners.
Congratulations to all our students who passed Semester 2 subjects on their journey to becoming a Fellow or Associate, and welcome to our 86 new Fellows.
These results demonstrate our philosophy that well-prepared students will pass our education program. We have a rigorous assessment process in place involving the Education Team and our 100+ independent volunteers to ensure we keep our standards high and are confident of the calibre of our newly qualified Associates and Fellows.
You may have read the recent article, “The Evolution of Education and Ensuring Academic Integrity”, which discussed the importance we place on academic integrity.
2022 Prize Winners
Congratulations to our 2022 prize winners who have demonstrated academic excellence, sound critical thinking, and communication skills.
- View the Actuary Program results for Semester 2, 2022
- View the Fellowship Subject results for Semester 2, 2022
The Education Team extend their sincere thanks to the 100+ volunteers who work with us to educate our next generation of actuaries.
Introducing our New Educator: Communication, Modelling and Professionalism – Julia Lessing
Julia is a qualified actuary (FIAA) with nearly 20 years of consulting experience. She worked as a big 4 consultant for over a decade and has run her own consulting business for seven years working with clients such as NSW Government, QLD Government, the UN and Macquarie University.
Julia has trained and served for many years in various counselling roles, including serving as a telephone crisis supporter for Lifeline. She is leading a mission to foster forward-thinking leaders in the actuarial industry and runs the Guardian Actuarial Leadership Program to help actuaries build their management toolkits and leadership skills.
CPD: Actuaries Institute Members can claim two CPD points for every hour of reading articles on Actuaries Digital.