New Videos to Support Your Professionalism CPD
The Professionalism Committee has curated ten videos from the high-quality suite of The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) CPD content, with two new videos added this year. The videos showcase…
The Professionalism Committee has curated ten videos from the high-quality suite of The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) CPD content, with two new videos added this year. The videos showcase…
The Professionalism Committee has curated ten videos from the high-quality suite of IFoA CPD content. Members who are familiar with the prior suite of videos are encouraged…
The Professionalism Committee has curated ten new videos from the high-quality suite of IFoA CPD content that will help you gain insights into the critical role of…
Worried about hitting your CPD points for the year? You probably shouldn’t be. Here’s why hitting your CPD number is easier than you think. Plus, five case studies designed to…